Misfits is a British sci-fi comedy-drama
television show, which follows a group of young offenders who are sentenced to
work within a community centre on a community service program. Where a
mysterious storm occurs and that obtain supernatural powers.
In regard to the edit, Misfits starts with a lot
of cut showing flash backs of previous episodes the show have already aired,
that is an on going series, these cuts are hectic. The edit focuses on the
drama and the comedy, and therefore the emotion within the film.
One of the most recent episodes followed the
group at a house party where the host takes drugs and hallucinates ‘The
Rabbit’, and because of the storm the hallucination becomes real and terrorises the house block and the community centre crew.
Near the beginning of the episode, we, as the
audience, are told about the group going to a house party. The two male
characters, Rudy & Finn are walking around the community centre, and
juxtaposed shots of the host, is shown. Rudy talks about him always being
drugged up and always hallucinating – and are shown a range of shots (Extreme
close ups of him taking drugs, watching TV program on a rabbit having surgery –
shot of the scalpel on TV juxtaposed with the boy’s scalpel cutting the drugs).
This worked really well to show the audience the character and the description.
I think music plays a massive part in this style
of drama, it sets the mood, the atmosphere and also makes any action scenes
much more dramatic. For example, there’s a scene where the group look for Jess
after she’s captured by the rabbit. The set is the basement, where it’s dark
and the pipes are noisy and drippy – creating tension straight away. The shots
are slow, some slow tracks are used, as the characters quietly search for their
missing friend, and quick when they encounter the ‘killer rabbit’ creating
different types of tension between the two scenes.
I like misfits as an audience member, the shots
are cleverly cut to create the right emotion within a particular scene and
entices you into the story.
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