I Do Air is a short drama directed by Martina Amati, which
follows a young girl who was a fear of swimming underwater, the film shows that
through determination and the ability to escape her world, she conquers her
fear with the help of two underwater scuba divers.
One of the most interesting features that stood out to me
was the sound edit. Throughout the piece, there is the ambience of the swimming
pool – the echoes, the water as people diving and conversations of people using
the pool. But you also get some music within this (mostly used towards to end
of the piece), which I think helps create a more emotional atmosphere for the
audience to react to.
However the shot above – I really liked the idea. When the
girl holds her breath, all the sounds disappear and silence occurs. She wants
to escape all the noise, all the fear and pressure, and be able to swim. The
use of silence within the edit gives a sense of escapism, and occurs twice in
the film. The holding of the breath appears to link the internal and external.
Even though she
is afraid of going underwater, it is her dream to do so, to be free within the
water. This is shown within the changing room scene, when she holds her breath
and imagines she's underwater, and as an audience member, we see her fantasy
visually, as she floats in the changing room as if she's under the water.
The colour
scheme of the film works very well, because it follows the genre and tone the
piece creates - she's sad that she can't do what she dreams to do, however the
sound works together with the visual to raise the tone and make the audience
happy for her being able to conquer her fear.
I enjoyed this
piece, the edit was flowing like the water, the visual and sound worked well
together and complimented each other to create the emotion for the audience to
emphaise with the character.
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